Are you looking to make an investment for your business?
Discover the benefits provided by the New Sabatini Law for companies seeking financing for investment purposes.
X GarantitoFrom 10,000 to 3 million euro to be repaid in 24 to 60 months
The loan is designed for corporations with at least 50,000 euro in turnover and protected up to 80% by the SME Guarantee Fund.
X Garantito MiniFrom 5,000 to 40,000 euro
The designed solution for small and medium-sized enterprises with at least 50,000 euro in turnover. Get your money in few days and pay it back in 12 or 24 months.
Discover the financing potential of your businessOur thermometer tells you how financeable you are, without commitment.
We are always innovating to help SMEs. That's why we've developed a real thermometer to discover in just a few clicks how financeable you are.
This way you can decide with peace of mind whether to proceed by notifying the Credit Information Systems. With AideXa, you take your company's temperature!
Our strengths?Applying for a loan is quick and easy
Our aim is to help companies access credit as easily and quickly as possible.
- We're fast In few click we will tell you if you are financeable.
- We're simpleIt's all online, you don't have to print anything.
- We're reliableOur Trustpilot score is 4 out of 5.
What are they saying about us?Stories and experiences from people who have enjoyed success with us
Go to case studies in ItalianAny special requirements?Talk to our business bankers
We believe that a digital business only works if there are real people behind it.
Don't have a business?For you, there's a deposit account
Helping Italian companies grow, while your savings grow too.
Our community?We work with many partners
In our opinion, the best way to get things done is to work together.