X Conto
Grow your money with the rewarded business account while managing your business.
For all details, refer to the information sheet in Transparency.
Grow your money with the rewarded business account while managing your business.
For all details, refer to the information sheet in Transparency.
Want more from your money?
Get back an annual return of 1% gross until 30/06/2025. Read the fact sheet in the Transparency area.
Looking for a bank account with zero fees?
Choose X Conto and you'll have all payment functionalities with zero fees.
Want an additional account for your extra cash?
Keep it under control and make your cash grow with X Conto Easy.
With payment functionalities and a 1% gross annual rate yield until 30 June 2025.
It's 100% online.
Zero fees and cancel anytime.
Connect other business accounts.
Pay bills from your smartphone, thanks to the CBILL service.
Receive your yield at the end of the year.
Make your money work for you.
Start growing your cash today with X Conto Easy. You'll be able to upgrade to X Conto Plus as soon as it'll be available.
Yield gross annual rate
Free SEPA transfers
CBILL payments
F24 payments
Account aggregation
Access for multiple users
Request your account now, it takes a few clicks.
The process is simple and straightforward: keep the things on this list close to you.
from your national health card.
of your business.
of the legal representative or person with signatory power.
of each beneficial owner.
such as a computer, tablet or smartphone.
Who can open X Conto?
X Conto is the remunerated current account designed for PMI (corporations, sole proprietorships or partnerships) with tax residence in Italy and established and/or registered with the Chamber of Commerce for more than 24 months from the date of submission of the account request..
Will the yield of X Conto always be 1% gross?
For new customers subscribing to X Conto from April 2, 2024, the yield of X Account is 1% annual gross from the product opening date until June 30, 2025. Currently, starting from July 1, 2025, the rate is expected to decrease to 0.5%.
How can I best use the account?
X Conto allows you to generate an annual return, based on your average balance. Therefore, the more money you leave in the account, the higher the return.
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