Press area  

Simple and fast, even with the press.
In this section you will find all the news concerning Banca AideXa, such as news articles, press reviews, press releases, and the press kit.

Entrepreneurs placed in different Italian reagions
Entrepreneurs placed in different Italian reagions

We have innovated access to credit for micro and small enterprises.

We are a fintech bank and since 2020 we have been using AI, technological innovation, and solid experience in the banking sector to industrialize credit for Italian micro and small enterprises. SMEs represent 50% of Italian GDP, but they remain a segment that is still not well-served by traditional banks. This is why we work every day to make access to credit more inclusive.

The data reported is updated as of November 2024

About us

CET1 - updates to 31/12/2024

36 millions € & 22% ratio

Clients who rely on us

18,000+ clients, including 5,000+ businesses.

Loans disbursed to micro and small enterprises.

1 billion €

Capital raised thanks to investors who believe in us.

96 million € in four years

The latest press releases

Press review

Articles, interviews, updates. In our press review, you can find monthly updates of all press coverage related to Banca AideXa, from our inception to today.

Go to press review in Italian

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